How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Full disclosure this is my husband's recipe. He is the one who decided we were spending too much money on coffee and took it upon himself to start to making cold brew. (He is in charge of all the liquid creations in our house, cold brew and cocktails!) But he quickly learned that I was drinking all of his cold brew so he now makes me make my own, but he taught me how to do it so at least I can fend for myself now. And it is super easy. Couple notes about the recipe. First skip the mint if you are not feeling it. Also it was his idea (which was genius) to make the cold brew in a French press because you can strain it really easily. But if you don't have a French press, a good old fashioned glass bottle and mesh strainer will do. Also I know some people dilute their cold brew, I haven't found that I need to do that. Maybe I just need the caffeine?  Lastly, I made a Vietnamese iced coffee version for this video with sweetened condensed milk, but good old half & half is just perfect. 

Cold Brew Coffee

  • 4 Tbs. coarsely ground coffee
  • handful fresh mint
  • 4 cups cold water
  • Creamer of your choice

Add coffee grounds and mint to a large carafe. Muddle together with a spoon or muddler. Pour in cool water. Let cold brew sit at room temperature for 24 hours. Strain then keep refrigerated. When ready to drink serve with your favorite choice of creamer.

Makes 2 to 4 servings